
Archive for February, 2013|Monthly archive page

Tinkering with Evernote – the jury is still out

In TechJAM on 26/02/2013 at 7:47 am

At the JAM we’ve recently been playing with Evernote, a cross-platform productivity tool for capturing and storing info. Evernote allows you to write and store notes on a location basis, adding visuals, tags, web clips (including whole web pages) and audio notes. Because it works across all devices (desktop, tablet, smartphone), you have access to the info wherever you go.

There appears to be two camps of people about Evernote – those who use it for everything aka “capturing their digital life”, and those that cannot see what the fuss is all about. At the moment we’re sitting on the fence – curious about how it might be used ubiquitously, but not exactly jumping out of our skin at the prospect.

Like all tools, you should briefly explore & play to see what’s possible and how it fits into your work and personal life. If it grabs you straight up, use it in anger for a period to determine if it lives up to your first impressions. Otherwise, get an understanding of what it does and move on.

This article from Lifehacker last November casts more light on the possibilities. The tip we would emphasise is to tag, tag, tag. That way you will be able to find info later when you have forgotten the context.


Digital Enterprise Online Marketing Workshop

In BizJAM, MarketingJAM, MediaJAM on 19/02/2013 at 5:55 pm

ScrivenerJAM had the opportunity to sit in on the 2nd workshop in the ACT’s Digital Enterprise program held at the new Digital Hub in Gungahlin Library. The workshop was run by the very entertaining and knowledgeable Todd Wright from Threesides.

The concept of online marketing is at the heart of helping organisations grow their business on the web.

The full house of participants demonstrated the range of unique businesses in Canberra. From life coaching through financial planning, to dog grooming, landscape design and a natural deodorant product, there is no shortage of entrepreneurs willing to have a go at developing their own business in the nation’s capital.

The workshop looked at developing an online marketing plan, social media tools and practical information on what to do now, what to do next and what to do later.

Some of the key messages included:

  • All roads don’t lead to your website, they lead to your customer
  • Focus on your keywords
  • Help Google search across all areas of your site – video, images, maps, text etc
  • Create search engine friendly content
  • Utilise Search Engine Optimisation to help drive traffic:
    • Develop content that can be linked to from reputable websites
    • Don’t link to poor websites
    • Create titles and labels
    • Create social media links
    • Develop a Google site map in XML (using the BetterWP plugin if you have a WordPress site)
    • Develop a clean menu structure; and
    • Optimise for people first.
  • Use Google alerts to develop free media monitoring
  • Use Google Places to define who you are and what you do
  • Pay for individual keywords in Pay per Click advertising
  • Use Google Analytics to determine how customers get to your site and what they do while they’re there and afterwards
  • Turn your Analytics into the real world – for instance, how can you develop partnerships with organisations that refer traffic to your business?
  • Make sure you use a call to action on every page
  • Make sure your contact details are on every web page of your site
  • WordPress has taken nearly 12% of the world’s CMS (content management system) market and is an excellent platform to get up and going
  • Invest time in email marketing
  • Have a two way conversation via social media platforms; and
  • Create a culture of content, because remember, content is king!

Finally, don’t wait, get up and going, and do it quickly!!


10 Tricks to Make Yourself a Dropbox Master

In DataJAM, TechJAM on 18/02/2013 at 5:11 pm

Gizmodo has a new article to help take advantage of the features in Dropbox, our favourite and corporate cloud storage app.

Built to be accessible across a wide range of devices, Dropbox allows users and teams to share files and folders in the cloud while keeping local copies on your hard drive.

One of the best tricks is to look for the the many increases in space you can get from your starting point of 2GB.

10 Tricks to Make Yourself a Dropbox Master


Digital Strategy – Keep it simple and keep it relevant

In BizJAM, MediaJAM on 04/02/2013 at 7:24 am

Some do’s and don’ts about the digital strategies you are employing in your small business – build your digital strategy as a component of your broader business strategy, simplify your online presence, make sure you use the platforms you have, and review these regularly to maintain relevance and focus.

Don’t Make Customers Pay For Your Digital Marketing Mistakes


The Data of Death – A Visualization

In DataJAM, TechJAM on 02/02/2013 at 4:31 pm

The Information is Beautiful group in London has developed a dataviz showing the mortality data from the entire 20th century. The result is a 6m x 2m “visualisation art-piece” currently showing at the Wellcome Collection in London.

The Data of Death – A Visualization


ScrivenerJAM on Pinterest

In The JAM on 02/02/2013 at 4:14 pm

The JAM has an active Pinterest presence which keeps evolving the more we get in to the totally visual nature of the platform.

While we capture interesting pieces on Gov, Biz and Community, we’ve extended our interests across Social Media, Canberra, Tech, Music, Jam (of course!), Jimjams, Pearl Jam & The Jam.

Come and check us out on Pinterest.

ScrivenerJAM on Pinterest

Google Glass FCC Filing Shows First Official Diagram

In TechJAM on 01/02/2013 at 3:34 pm

Google Glass FCC Filing Shows First Official Diagram.
