
A Leap of Startup Faith

In BizJAM, The JAM on 04/03/2013 at 2:48 pm

LeapOfFaithOur favourite saying at the moment is: “Just because you’ve done it once, doesn’t mean to say you can do it again”.

It’s a little like our sales mantra: “You’re only as good as your next sale”. That is, don’t take anything for granted, don’t assume, don’t presume. You can rest on your laurels for approximately one nanosecond and then it’s refocus and back into it.

We’re in the startup boat at the moment, putting together our content and program – a program we know will help organisations take the great digital leap from uncertainty to confidence, from disconnected to converged.

But we’re not taking anything for granted. No stone is being left unturned. And the elements we hope are certainties are being broken down and challenged.

It’s a balancing act – on one hand, starting up takes assurance, attention to detail and focus. On the other, it is a leap of faith, a plunge into the unknown. But unless you take the leap in the first place, success cannot be possible. As Arnold Palmer, one of the world’s greatest golfers said:

“If you’d like to win, but you think you can’t,
It’s almost certain you won’t”.

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