
Archive for the ‘The JAM’ Category

Searching for Seth – Access, Knowledge & Choice

In DigitalJAM, Startup, The JAM on 29/03/2013 at 10:23 am

We only started digging into the musings of Seth Godin a short while ago – it’s a little like discovering Led Zeppelin in the late eighties…feeling like you missed out yet happy you have uncovered something outstanding.

Seth comes across with a certain clarity:

No, we don’t have an endless supply of the resources we used to trade and covet. No, we certainly don’t have a surplus of time, either. But we do have an abundance of choice, an abundance of connection, and an abundance of access to knowledge.

For Godin, it’s about engagement and accession. Oh, and the choice that knowledge provides. How we not only adapt to the digital age, but lift off. Propel ourselves.

Perhaps it’s time we examined what we have: our ICT infrastructure sitting under the desk, in the cupboard or in the rack, the systems software and myriad business systems to connect and report, monitor and secure; our websites and social; laptops & tablets, smartphones & bring-your-owns, search & keywords, our online shop…. Time to determine how we manage the abundance of choice, connection and access to knowledge….

As a recent startup, we have faced the same considerations – how do we develop our internal and external connections quickly without too much effort and cost? How do we build agile digital elements end-to-end across our business to allow access and choice for our team and customers?

Our aim like Seth Godin is to protect our precious resources, work in harmony & balance, and grab the opportunity that choice and knowledge offers.

A Leap of Startup Faith

In BizJAM, The JAM on 04/03/2013 at 2:48 pm

LeapOfFaithOur favourite saying at the moment is: “Just because you’ve done it once, doesn’t mean to say you can do it again”.

It’s a little like our sales mantra: “You’re only as good as your next sale”. That is, don’t take anything for granted, don’t assume, don’t presume. You can rest on your laurels for approximately one nanosecond and then it’s refocus and back into it.

We’re in the startup boat at the moment, putting together our content and program – a program we know will help organisations take the great digital leap from uncertainty to confidence, from disconnected to converged.

But we’re not taking anything for granted. No stone is being left unturned. And the elements we hope are certainties are being broken down and challenged.

It’s a balancing act – on one hand, starting up takes assurance, attention to detail and focus. On the other, it is a leap of faith, a plunge into the unknown. But unless you take the leap in the first place, success cannot be possible. As Arnold Palmer, one of the world’s greatest golfers said:

“If you’d like to win, but you think you can’t,
It’s almost certain you won’t”.

ScrivenerJAM on Pinterest

In The JAM on 02/02/2013 at 4:14 pm

The JAM has an active Pinterest presence which keeps evolving the more we get in to the totally visual nature of the platform.

While we capture interesting pieces on Gov, Biz and Community, we’ve extended our interests across Social Media, Canberra, Tech, Music, Jam (of course!), Jimjams, Pearl Jam & The Jam.

Come and check us out on Pinterest.

ScrivenerJAM on Pinterest